The new Mexican school with a humanistic approach: an analytical look


  • Juan Martínez Flores DOCENTE INVESTIGADOR


New Mexican School, Humanistic Approach, Education, Criticism


The purpose of the article is to analyze theoretically the humanistic approach of the New Mexican School
(NEM), the result of an investigation carried out between 2019-2021, which was entitled: The educational
policy of excellence in the new Mexican school: An analysis of general secondary education. This research
was developed under the theoretical gaze of critical pedagogy, a perspective that encourages the subject
to critical analysis of theory and practice; while the methodological analysis was carried out through
the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) approach, that allowed interpreting the findings of the humanistic
approach, where a coherent subject emerges in thought and act. Awareness that allows to look and fight
for your rights, so that no one is condemned to marginality from 0 to 23 years old, contributing to the
development of excellence of the student and society.


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