Defense, resistance and fall of Tenochtitlan
Tenochtitlan, Mexicas or Aztecs, History, Tributary, Critical SenseAbstract
In this paper several reflections are developed from a social dimension, on the occasion of the 500th
anniversary of the fall of Tenochtitlan on august 13, 2021: the city of residence of the Mexica empire. The
purpose of the writing is to recall the past from a critical perspective, incorporating new elements into the
analysis to understand the past.
This writing is organized in four sections, the first exposes what is the position that is assumed on the historical
sense regarding the defense, resistance and fall of Tenochtitlán, in that position the complex circumstances
in which the fact occurs are recognized. The second refers to the foundation of Tenochtitlán, as an event
of interrelationships, at the beginning of subordination, until reaching domination. The third deals with the
formation of the Triple Alliance in time perspective. The fourth, the arrival of the conquerors in Tenochtitlán;
defense, resistance and fall.
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